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Insight Analytics release notes
Our release notes keep you up to date on Insight Analytics product updates, recent changes, feature enhancements, and fixes.
If you have any questions for us, please reach out. You can contact us via email, phone or by filling out the form below.
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Insight Analytics Frontend
Version: 5.1.2501.383
Demand report schedule limited to each month. Now extended to every x day, every x month
Drawer menu now expanded by default. State is user controlled.
Drawer menu visual slightly changed.
Bug fixes
Widgets for Home section wasn't centered when drawer was collapsed. Fixed
Demand history columns could be doubled on page refresh. Fixed
Topmost folder for Custom Views was hidden. Fixed
Insight Analytics Reporting Services
Version: 5.1.2501.105
Added features
Support for reporting of Minimum Government Demands
Added company name and date on report frontpage
Bug fixes
Scheduled Reporting emails was send multiple times. Fixed
Untouched demands wasn't included in the report. Fixed
Replaced frontpage for Municipality and Government reports
Insight Analytics Sync
Version: 5.1.2501.31
Weekly SCA and SAST source code scanning
Endpoint Manager renamed to Microsoft Intune
Azure AD renamed to Entra ID
Nuget packages updated - also for connectors
Sync and connector auto-update supports SAS token urls.
Insight Analytics Backend
Version: 5.1.2501.238
Weekly SCA and SAST source code scanning
Penetration test completed and issues resolved
Endpoint Manager renamed to Microsoft Intune
Azure AD renamed to Entra ID
Nuget packages updated
Bug fixes
Devices sync from Active Directory could fail. Fixed
Insight Analytics Frontend
Version: 5.1.2501.380
Added features
Reporting of minimum technical recommendations for Danish Government institutions.
Penetration test completed and issues resolved
Historical chart for municipality recommendation changed from line chart to monthly column chart styled.
Pdf report for demands enhanced
History data for demands was limited to last 6 months for the frontend part. Extended to 12 month.
Insight Analytics Reporting Services
Version: 5.1.2411.103
Weekly SCA and SAST source code scanning
Nuget packages updated
Insight Analytics Frontend
Version: 5.1.2411.374
Associated threat count for Defender Recommendation improved
Updated Angular version to 18.2. Updated related npm packages.
Bug fixes
Report schedule wasn't updating values. Fixed
Demand timeline refresh issue fixed.
Demand comments wasn't visible in timeline. Fixed
Insight Analytics Frontend
Version: 5.1.2411.372
Added features
Technical recommendations for Danish municipalities now include historical chart and a timeline for activities.
Insight Analytics Frontend
Version: 5.1.2411.371
Added features
Reporting of minimum technical recommendations for Danish municipalities.
Bug fixes
List based widgets could not be exported to Excel. Fixed
Insight Analytics Backend
Version: 5.1.2411.231
Added features
Support for minimum technical recommendations for Danish municipalities.
Insight Analytics Sync
Version: 5.1.2409.2
Added features
Support for minimum technical recommendations for Danish municipalities.
Note. Add Domain.Read.All as an application permission for the existing Insight Analytics App registration.
Insight Analytics Reporting Service
Version: 5.1.2411.100
Initial version
Report generator for minimum technical recommendations for Danish municipalities.
Insight Analytics Backend
Version: 5.1.2408.225
Added features
MFA Gap model added.
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